SENZA SenzaGen AB Aktie -


SENZAGEN - Kapitalmarknad, finansiering

SenzaGen’s newly granted patent for South Korea is valid until October 2031. It protects the genetic signature that forms the basis of SenzaGen's animal-free test for … 2019-12-11 Senzagen is a spin out company from Lund University with expertise in immunology, technology and genomics. SenzaGen markets, sells and performs the in vitro GARD sensitization test through its own laboratory and through licenced CROs. It offers animal-free testing of chemical compounds using genomics-based methodology for immunotoxicological SenzaGen provides state-of-the-art non-animal tests for assessing a substance’s allergenicity. With excellent predictivity, the tests meet needs in several industries and help companies develop, produce and deliver safer, ethical and more sustainable products. SenzaGen. SMA (Simple Moving Average), eller Glidande Medelvärde, visar det genomsnittliga värdet historiskt för det intervall du väljer.

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May 17, 2019 The study was initiated by SenzaGen AB (Lund, Sweden), which acted as lead laboratory throughout the validation process. 3RsMC (Lyngby  Oct 15, 2019 MB Research & SenzaGen – In Vitro Sensitization Testing. MB Research Labs is honored to work with SenzaGen to expand our testing  Professor Carl Borrebaeck is an entrepreneur who founded SenzaGen AB, Immunovia AB, BioInvent International AB, Alligator BioScience AB and PainDrainer  The shareholders of SenzaGen AB (Publ.), company registration number 556821–9207, (“the Company”) are hereby given notice of the annual general meeting  Stort tack Prisma för den upplysningen. Har inte sett den videon tidigare, följer Senzagen i övrigt och sett vissa webcasts. Endast blygsamma  Senaste nyheter om - SenzaGen, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och rapporter. SenzaGen komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden.

Nynoterade SenzaGen - Årets IPO

Affärsvärldens IPO-guide granskar Senzagen notering. På IPO-guiden hittar du all viktig info och får reda på alla eventuella varningsflaggor innan du tecknar aktien. SenzaGen is a Swedish biotech company that provides state-of-the-art animal-free tests for assessing a substance’s allergenicity. The GARD® test method combines genomic data from human cells with machine learning for a unique capability to identify and analyze whether a chemical could cause allergic reactions on the skin or in the respiratory tract.


SENZA SenzaGen AB Aktie -


Carl Borrebaeck  SenzaGen AB markets, sells, and performs in vitro genomic allergen rapid detection (GARD) sensitization tests for the screening of pharmaceutical candidates,  Detailed technical analysis and trading signals for the SenzaGen AB Stock. 4. jun 2019 Description: SenzaGen AB is a privately owned in vitro test lab company, providing methods for assessment of immuno- toxicological properties  Nov 1, 2017 SenzaGen AB, Lund, Sweden. Erwin van Vliet. Cosmetics Europe – The Personal Care Association, Brussels, Belgium.


Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 36,4%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 40,0 % män (2), 60,0 % kvinnor (3) .
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The GARD® test method combines genomic data from human cells with machine learning for a unique capability to identify and analyze whether a chemical could cause allergic reactions on the skin or in the respiratory tract. SenzaGen gör det möjligt att ersätta djurförsök med genetiska tester i provrör för att bedöma om de kemikalier vi kommer i kontakt med i vår vardag är allergiframkallande.

The company's patented tests are the most reliable on the market and provide more information than traditional evaluation SenzaGen formed in 2010 has developed a technology that allows it to be possible to replace animal experiments with tests that can be performed on cells in order to determine how allergenic the chemicals are that we come into contact with in our daily lives, for example in cosmetics, medicines, food products and dyes.The company's tests are the most reliable in the market and provide more Chief Scientist at SenzaGen Malmöområdet 215 kontakter. Gå med för att skapa kontakt SenzaGen. Lund University. Anmäl profilen Info Life Science professional with research and R&D project management expertise in the fields of immunology, toxicology and cell & molecular biology.
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Pressmeddelanden Senzagen

In 2020, SenzaGen's efforts to create a commercial enterprise proved effective. Having acted as the chairman of the Dignitana AGM today I am extremely please do have Greg Dingizian och Pontus Kristiansson onboard in our Board. Description. SenzaGen AB markets, sells and performs the in vitro Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection (GARD) sensitization test through its own laboratory and  Mar 26, 2019 Swedish company SenzaGen is collaborating with Guangzhou Chn-Alternative Biotechnology (CHNALT), to introduce its GARD  Mar 18, 2019 In response to a growing interest in alternative testing methods, SenzaGen signs a license agreement with MB Research Labs to expand the  SZGEF: Senzagen AB. EXCHANGE OTCBB.

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Pressmeddelanden Senzagen

Flertalet investerare i min omgivning har tecknat aktier för närmare 500.000 SEK på  Hans nya succéaktie, labtestbolaget Senzagen, börsnoterades i torsdags och rusade i väg: – Jag har redan sålt av en tredjedel.