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Großhandelspreisindex 46.72.13 Eisen und Stahl. Achtung Indexumstellung auf 2020=100. Alle Diese Statistik zeigt das Ergebnis einer Umfrage in Österreich Verteilung des Body Mass Index (BMI). Der Index für Österreich ohne Wien setzte sich aus den Einzelindizes für Eigentumswohnungen und Einfamilienhäuser im Verhältnis 70 % zu 30 % zusammen, The Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of prime time Netflix performance on particular ISPs (internet service providers) around the globe. Basisjahr für den Index ist das Jahr 2015.
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In 2020, the net saving rate of households in Austria was 14.5%, after 8.2% in 2019 and 7.8% in 2018. According to provisional results of the quarterly sector accounts, final consumption of the household sector decreased by 8.6% in nominal terms, whereas household disposable income decreased by 1.9%. The Austrian economy dropped by 5.7% in real terms in the 4th quarter of 2020 compared to the same quarter of the previous year, according to preliminary calculations. Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2020, the gross domestic product (GDP) fell in real terms by 2.7% (seasonally and working day adjusted). STATISTIK AUSTRIA Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich Guglgasse 13 1110 Wien Telefon +43 1 71128-0 Fax +43 1 71128-7728 info@statistik.gv.at Statistiken Publikationen & Services Die Statistik zeigt die wöchentlichen Kursdaten des österreichischen Aktienindex Austrian Traded Index (ATX) von Dezember 2020 bis April 2021. Am Donnerstag, den 01. April 2021, lag der Statistik Austria is an independent, not profit-seeking institution with public rights, which has the duty to fulfill services of the Bundesstatistik (=Federal Statistics), the GDI (=Gender-related Development Index) for example is calculated by the Statistik Austria.
Statistik Austria startet erste österreichweite SARS-CoV-2-Antikörperstudie: 82 KB: 17.09.2020: Todesursachen 2019: überwiegend altersbedingt; ein Viertel verstarb an Krebs: 301 KB: 10.09.2020: 30,1% der 2019 Geborenen kamen per Kaiserschnitt zur Welt; 7,4% waren Frühgeborene: 88 KB: 09.07.2020 In the fourth quarter of 2020, house prices, as measured by the House Price Index, rose by 5.4% in the euro area and by 5.7% in the EU compared with the same quarter of the previous year. For the euro area, this is the highest annual increase since the fourth quarter of 2006.
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Unemployment Rate in Austria decreased to 9.40 percent in March from 10.70 percent in February of 2021. Unemployment Rate in Austria averaged 5.10 percent from 1960 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 12.80 percent in April of 2020 and a record low of 0.80 percent in August of 1974. This page provides the latest reported value for - Austria Unemployment Rate - plus previous releases It is now an independent and non-profit-making federal institution under public law and is called Statistics Austria (STAT). It is responsible for performing scientific services in the area of federal statistics. Source: http://www.statistik.at/web_en/about_us/responsibilities_and_principles/index.html.
Free access to maps of former thunderstorms. By Blitzortung.org and contributors. Statistik Journal Wien, 2018.
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1% of Austrian enterprises use AI-based chatbots in customer contact so far 10% of Austrian enterprises with ten or more employees offer chat services in which persons answer customer queries. The consumer price index (CPI) is a measure of general price trends and of inflation in Austria. The harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) is the basis for a comparative measurement of inflation in Europe and for evaluating the stability of monetary values within the Eurozone. In addition to its role as a general indicator of inflation, the The Austrian economy dropped by 5.7% in real terms in the 4th quarter of 2020 compared to the same quarter of the previous year, according to preliminary calculations. Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2020, the gross domestic product (GDP) fell in real terms by 2.7% (seasonally and working day adjusted).
Källa: Levnadskostnadsindex/KPI (juli 1914=100), historiska tal, 1830–. Konsumentprisindex är en sammanställning av priser som vi på SCB samlar in varje månad på cirka 1 600–1 700 försäljningsställen i landet.
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Källa: Levnadskostnadsindex/KPI (juli 1914=100), historiska tal, 1830–. Konsumentprisindex är en sammanställning av priser som vi på SCB samlar in varje månad på cirka 1 600–1 700 försäljningsställen i landet.
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This statistic shows the harmonized consumer price index for the health sector in Austria from December 2017 to August 2020. Statistik Austria este oficiul austriac de statistică.A fost înființat la data de 1 ianuarie 2000, prin separarea de Centrala Oficială de Statistică din Austria, care există din anul 1829. În acest domeniu au colaborat persoane renumite, ca scriitorul Egmont Colerus..