Näringsgrensindelning – Wikipedia


SNI 2007-sökning - SCB:s Företagsdatabas

The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification, based on the industry standard classification system used by the European Union, NACE Rev.2, is primarily an activity classification system. Production units, such as companies and local units, are classified based on the type of activity carried out at the unit. Skatteverket samlar in SNI-koder från företagen. SCB ansvarar för klassifikationen SNI, men det är Skatteverket som ansvarar för inhämtandet av SNI-koder. Det sker i samband med att företagen registrerar sina verksamheter hos Skatteverket. Till hjälp att hitta rätt SNI-koder för verksamhet finns SCB:s söksystem SNI-Sök. 2008-5-30 · SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2008-01-31 p 1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities 011 Growing of non-perennial crops 0111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 2008-5-30 · SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2008-05-30 p 1 A AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 01120 Growing of rice 01131 Growing of potatoes 01132 Growing of sugar beet 01133 Growing of vegetables in the open 01134 Growing of vegetables in greenhouses 2007-12-6 · SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 2004-01-15 s 1 AAGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY 01111Growing of cereals etc.

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2003. bildskärmsarbete fördelade efter näringsgren (SNI) och kön. 2002. Procent av samtliga sysselsatta 7d Andel sysselsatta som haft besvär under de senaste 12 månaderna till följd av mobbning, trakasserier, hot eller v åld, stress, psykiska p åfrestningar eller andra orsa-ker fördelade efter näringsgren (SNI) och kön. 2002.

Starta företag omstätter mindre än 30 000 ändå moms. Artiklar

Genom kopplingen till denna un- (SNI) och k ön. 1997-2001. Procent av samtliga sysselsatta Table 2b Work related health problems (other conditions at work) during the last twelve months according to 2015-11-5 · Statistiken har producerats av SCB på uppdrag av Arbetsmiljöverket, som ansvarar för officiell statistik inom området.

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Cameroon. 12 oct. 2016 la Société nationale d'investissement (SNI) et le groupe LafargeHolcim, vient de racheter 50% du capital de la société SCB Lafarge au Benin  14 feb 2017 Du kan läsa mer om standard för svensk näringsgrensindelning (SNI) på scb.se. Var det här svaret till hjälp?

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Edisi elektronik (file PDF) Buletin SNI dapat diakses secara gratis di website www Standar Nasional Indonesia (disingkat SNI) memang adalah satu-satunya standar yang berlaku secara nasional di Indonesia. SNI dirumuskan oleh Panitia Teknis dan ditetapkan oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN).
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Standarden för svensk näringsgrensindelning, SNI, är en statistisk standard för klassificering av produktionsenheter (företag, arbetsställen etc.) till näringsgrenar/branscher. Den förra utgåvan av standarden, SNI 2002, fastställdes av SCB 2003. Den nu föreliggande standarden, SNI 2007, fastställdes av SCB i maj 2007 och gäller Se hela listan på scb.se Söktjänsten för SNI 2007 används i första hand av Skatteverket och SCB:s Företagsdatabas för att näringsgrenskoda företagens verksamheter.

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Search for industry code (SNI 2007) Double-click to view the next level. The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification, based on the industry standard classification system used by the European Union, NACE Rev.2, is primarily an activity classification system. SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2008-01-31 p 1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities 011 Growing of non-perennial crops 0111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 2004-01-15 s 1 AAGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY 01111Growing of cereals etc.

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The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification, based on the industry standard classification system used by the European Union, NACE Rev.2, is primarily an activity classification system. SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2008-01-31 p 1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities 011 Growing of non-perennial crops 0111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 2004-01-15 s 1 AAGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY 01111Growing of cereals etc. 01112Cultivation of grass lands 01113Growing of potatoes 01114Growing of sugar beet 01115Growing of cereals and other crops, mixed 01117Growing of crops and market garden produce, mixed, mainly cereals and other crops SNI Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2008-05-30 p 1 A AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 01120 Growing of rice 01131 Growing of potatoes 01132 Growing of sugar beet 01133 Growing of vegetables in the open 01134 Growing of vegetables in greenhouses Hours worked (ENS 2010) by industrial classification SNI 2007, working-day and seasonally adjusted (xlsx) GDP: expenditure approach (ENS 2010), seasonally adjusted (xlsx) Labour productivity (ENS 2010) by industrial classification SNI 2007, estimated on seasonally adjusted series (xlsx) The Vocational Rehabilitation Program has brought together a Spring Training Blitz with employment opportunities and informational sessions with Local Union Retirees, Seneca Casino & Resorts, SNI Departments, Roswell Park Institute and MORE! A classification system can have a hierarchical structure and have several levels. NACE (The European Classification of Economic Activities) is an example of a complicated classification system with many levels. The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification, commonly referred to as SNI, is a Swedish industry standard economic classification system, consisting of a hierarchy of codes that are up to 6-digits long.